Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days of Scary Movies {18}

Poltergeist 2
Director: Brian Gibson
Stars: JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson and Heather O'Rourke
Rated: PG-13
Released: 1986
Length: 91 Minutes


The Freeling family have a new house, but their troubles with supernatural forces don't seem to be over. -IMDB-

My Thoughts:

I totally forgot how much I love 80s horror movies.  Because of this movie right here.  I remember watching it when I was little, but when I saw the cover on Netflix I couldn't remember if I had have watched before....so I had too. :)  It was one of the funniest scary movies that I have seen in awhile.  I guess I am in some sort of rut.  First it was Scream 3 and now this.  I hope a get a really scary movie some sometime soon. :(  

So in the first poltergeist you meet a family whose house is haunted by many spirits and they don't know why or how.  They come to find out the house that they are living in was built on a cemetery.  And they bodies that the house was built on was haunting the house.  In this movie, it is sometime after they left the house and they are trying to get their lives back in order....but the spirits don't want that to happen.

The movie has a really great story and it could really awesome.  But again, it was made in the 80s so they really didn't have a lot to work with.  Now don't get me wrong, I am sucker for 80s scary movies.  They are some of the best horror movies out there.  But sometimes they are also the worst horror movies out there.  Poltergeist 2 is one of the movies that is right stuck in the middle.  But I think that you should give it a chance.  You never know...you may fall in love with the creepy old man :)

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