Friday, April 22, 2011


Hey I know that it has been awhile since I have done a post so with it being my day off I thought that I could catch up.  This past Christmas I bought a book for my sister in law.  I had never heard of the book nor heard anything about the book.  I really think she thought it was a cheap gift but that is her opinion....everyone is entitled to it. Anyway the book is called The Morganville Vampire Series.

The picture above is the 2 in 1 edition.  It has the first 2 books of the series in it.  The first 2 books are called The Glass House and The Dead Girl Dance. I really did not what to think about the book.  All my sister in law said was that the book was AMAZING

The story starts off and you meet Claire.  Claire is a 16 year old girl that graduated early from high school.  She not only graduates early from high school, she also was accepted to many elite colleges around the nation.  But her parents want her to attend a local college instead of somewhere 2000 miles away.  

But while she is living at the dorms at a community college she is getting hazed by one of the girls at the school.  She doesn't know what to do about it so she just decides to move out of the dorms and live off campus.  She finds out that 3 people are looking for another roommate. She goes to them and basically begs them to let her move in.  

After she moves in she finds out that the whole town is run by vampires.  And the humans that live there have to fight for their protection from the vampires.  They also have to pay their taxes monthly which consists of humans donating 2 pints of blood at the local hospital.  And if they are caught outside at night no matter what you are far game to the vampires that live on the streets and are hungry.  

I was totally wrapped up in this book.  I loved it so much. On a 5 star rating I give it a 5! I am currently volume 2 which consists of the next 2 books of the series.  The next books are Midnight Alley and Feast of Fools.  I can't wait to finish the book to move on to the next book of the series.  I can't wait to see what happens to Claire and the people she lives with. 

On the side note about a month ago my husband was doing a wrestling show and injured himself in the ring.  We just thought that she wrist was just jammed and he let it go.  After a few weeks he was still having pain in his wrist so I got him to agree that he would go to the doctor and maybe she could do something for it.  Well after doctor visits, x-rays, and phone calls we find out that Seth has fractured a bone in his wrist and tore a lot of tissue.  We spent 3 hours at the hospital this morning getting a MRI done.  

- On a side note I am now going to tell you how much I HATE the hospital.  When I was 17 I tore my ACL playing softball.  When the doctor told me that I have to go and get a MRI and it took an hour.  That was 6 years ago.....what the hell happened????? 

Back to Seth, well his appointment was at 9:30. We arrived at the hospital at 9AM!!!!!! Seth had to get a shot that had dye in it so that they could do whatever.  WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO THE MRI CENTER UNTIL 11:15!  I was like are you kidding me..... We didn't leave the hospital until 12....I was so mad.....

Anyway to top it all off about 3pm Seth gets a call from the doctor and he has to go back to get more pictures!!!!!!>.<

I hope that this is the end!

But anyway he has to have surgery...:( but everything will be okay!

Anyway I am out 

time to read more about Claire!

Enjoy your night 

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